1 Msie Control 2 Msie Property Page 3 True 4 False 5 Not Available 6 7 Dial when no network connection 8 Always dial 9 Never dial 10 Basic Information 11 Advanced Information 12 iefiles5.inf is missing 13 (Default) 14 PPP 15 SLIP 16 Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT 3.1 17 TCP/IP 18 IPX/SPX 19 NetBEUI 20 Yes 21 No 22 Always 23 Once per session 24 Automatic 25 Never 26 Low 27 Medium-low 28 Medium 29 High 30 Custom 31 Installed 32 Shared 33 Damaged 34 Unplugged 35 Internet Explorer Repair Tool 36 Runs Internet Explorer Repair Tool 37 Fix IE Log.txt 38 %s to %s 39 Enabled 40 Disabled 41 ***** Currently no connections are set up ***** 42 NRN 43 CSLIP 44 There are no cached objects. 45 There are no personal certificates. 46 There are no other people certificates. 47 There are no publishers. 48 Internet 49 Local intranet 50 Trusted sites 51 Restricted sites 1001 InternetExplorer 1002 Internet Explorer 5 1003 Category [InternetExplorer, 200] 1004 IESummary 1005 Summary 1006 No summary information available 1007 Item [IESummary, 150] 1008 Value [IESummary, 320] 1009 Version 1010 %s 1011 Build 1012 Product ID 1013 Application Path 1014 Date of Last Install 1015 %t 1016 Language 1017 Active Printer 1018 Cipher Strength 1019 %d-bit 1020 Content Advisor 1021 %b 1022 IEAK Install 1023 IEFileVersions 1024 File Versions 1025 No file version information available 1026 File [IEFileVersions, 100] 1027 Version [IEFileVersions, 100] 1028 Size [IEFileVersions, 100] 1029 Date [IEFileVersions, 100] 1030 Path [IEFileVersions, 100] 1031 Company [IEFileVersions, 100] 1032 %0.0f KB 1033 IEConnectivity 1034 Connectivity 1035 No connectivity information available 1036 Item [IEConnectivity, 200] 1037 Value [IEConnectivity, 250] 1038 Connection Preference 1039 %d 1040 ProxyHttp1.1 1041 LAN Settings 1042 AutoConfigProxy 1043 AutoProxyDetectMode 1044 AutoConfigURL 1045 Proxy 1046 ProxyServer 1047 ProxyOverride 1048 True 1049 Internet programs to use connection 1050 Maximum Attempts 1051 Wait Between Attempts 1052 Disconnect Idle Time 1053 AutoDisconnect 1054 Modem 1055 Dial-Up Server 1056 Log on to Network 1057 Enable Software Compression 1058 Require Encrypted Password 1059 Require Data Encryption 1060 Record Log File 1061 Network Protocols 1062 Use Server Assigned IP Address 1063 IP Address 1064 Use Server Assigned NameServer 1065 NameServer Addresses 1066 Use IP Header Compression 1067 Use Default Gateway 1068 Script File Name 1069 IECache 1070 Cache 1071 Category [IECache, 200] 1072 IECacheSummary 1073 No cache summary information available 1074 Item [IECacheSummary, 190] 1075 Value [IECacheSummary, 400] 1076 Page Refresh Type 1077 Temporary Internet Files Folder 1078 Total Disk Space 1079 %0.0f MB 1080 Available Disk Space 1081 Maximum Cache Size 1082 Available Cache Size 1083 IECacheObjectList 1084 List of Objects 1085 No cached object information available 1086 Program File [IECacheObjectList, 160] 1087 Status [IECacheObjectList, 60] 1088 CodeBase [IECacheObjectList, 220] 1089 IEContent 1090 Content 1091 Category [IEContent, 200] 1092 IEContentSummary 1093 No content summary information available 1094 Item [IEContentSummary, 150] 1095 Value [IEContentSummary, 300] 1096 IESecurity 1097 Security 1098 Zone [IESecurity, 150] 1099 Security Level [IESecurity, 300] 1100 WQL:SELECT * FROM MicrosoftIE_ConnectionSettings WHERE Default = TRUE 1101 WQL:SELECT * FROM MicrosoftIE_ConnectionSettings WHERE Default = FALSE 1102 EnableHttp1.1 1103 IEContentPersonalCertificates 1104 Personal Certificates 1105 No personal certificate information available 1106 Issued To [IEContentPersonalCertificates, 150] 1107 Issued By [IEContentPersonalCertificates, 150] 1108 Validity [IEContentPersonalCertificates, 150] 1109 Signature Algorithm [IEContentPersonalCertificates, 100] 1110 Primary DNS: %s 1111 Secondary DNS: %s 1112 Primary WINS: %s 1113 Secondary WINS: %s 1114 Personal 1115 IEContentOtherPeopleCertificates 1116 Other People Certificates 1117 No other people certificate information available 1118 Issued To [IEContentOtherPeopleCertificates, 150] 1119 Issued By [IEContentOtherPeopleCertificates, 150] 1120 Validity [IEContentOtherPeopleCertificates, 150] 1121 Signature Algorithm [IEContentOtherPeopleCertificates, 100] 1122 Other People 1123 IEContentPublishers 1124 Publishers 1125 No publisher information available 1126 Name [IEContentPublishers, 350] 1127 %d sec 1128 %d min